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How to Write an Assignment to Get an A (and Teacher’s Smile)

There is a simple answer to the “how to write an assignment” question and it is “word after word.” We are not trying to be funny. It is really that simple: you just have to start. Making this first step is a big issue for students who are not used to putting their ideas into words. If you’ve already arranged everything on your table, washed dishes, eaten (twice), polished your nails, fed your cat, had a workout and some other activities procrastinators usually do to postpone homework, it’s time to get down to business!

  • First of all, read the requirements for your assignment one more time and make sure everything is 100% clear to you.
  • Analyze your topic and figure out what will be your main idea and the objective of your writing.
  • Draft an outline and write down a plan for your paper.
  • Find a source of information you will use to cover your topic. How many sources does there have to be in your bibliography list according to your instructions? Don’t forget to give credits to authors whose ideas have inspired you and especially to the numbers and facts you’ve mentioned to support your point.

When you’ve written down the structure of your future masterpiece, it’s time to cover each section one by one.


How to write an introduction for an assignment and why is it important “How to do assignment” or what to write in the main body How to write a conclusion for assignment your readers will love

How to write an introduction for an assignment and why is it important

An introduction is one of three major parts of the basic structure of any assignment, be it a scientific research paper or a creative essay. If you have doubts about how to start writing an assignment your teacher has given you, it is the introduction you should start from.

In this section, you can answer the main questions of your paper: what is its objective, what is your main idea, how are you going to prove your argument, and whether something should be done with the problem covered in your paper. As a rule, an introduction is only a small part of your essay and should consist of one paragraph. In this paragraph, there should be four to six sentences, after reading which it should become clear to your teacher what your paper is all about:

  1. Describe a problem of your topic in one clear sentence.
  2. Explain why you think this theme is important for you/modern society/science.
  3. Tell what sources of information and research methods you’re going to use in your paper.
  4. Write down what results you expect to get.

“How to do assignment” or what to write in the main body

Even if you’re going to turn in a creative essay, there has to be a logical flow in your piece of writing. In this part, however, we are going to talk more on how to do an assignment for university, as the higher your academic level, the more expectations your teacher has for your paper. It is easy to forget about some of them and each detail matters if you want to get an A for your writing.

Less is more

Don’t try to put too many ideas into one piece of writing, as this will take you more time—an asset you as a student should value the most. Educational institutions nowadays assign way too much homework to students and it is simply impossible to do it all without affecting the depth of your research and you eventually need assignment help.

Moreover, when your teacher assigns you a paper, as a rule, there are instructions on the number of words or pages your paper should consist of. Don’t overwrite as it can decrease your grade. When you’ve defined the main idea of your paper, try to give not more than three arguments to support it. This will decrease the time you need for research and will help you to squeeze into the number of pages you have to turn in.

There is a simple rule that will help you to maintain the logical flow of your paper and will make your piece of writing easier to read: one point, one paragraph.

Another rule that will lift your grade dramatically is to give reference to credible sources only. Scientific journals and TED talks will do, while Wikipedia and Medium will not.

Don’t forget about formatting

When we talk about the proper citation of sources, we should mention how important it is to stick to the writing format accepted in your college. Google “how to write the assignment in APA style” or in another writing style and you’ll find coherent manuals on it with all the details. There are plenty of good instructions on the web. To stay on the safe side, you can consult your teacher. In most colleges’ and universities’ libraries, there are manuals on different formatting styles along with samples written by teachers or students. Check them out.

Numbers, lists, and schedules

Everything that breaks your paper into logical blocks improves the readability of your writing. Have mercy on your teacher, make a list! Or two. Or three. Give information in tables to make it clearer and separate logical blocks with coherent headers.

How to write a conclusion for assignment your readers will love

This is the shortest part of your paper and it should be clear and emotionally charged. Specify what you’ve learned while writing on your topic. Check out if your initial expectations coincide with the results you’ve got. Think of the ways your research can be used in the future. If you were writing on some social problem, think of the ways it can be eliminated.

Your readers will be disappointed as “Game of Thrones” fans with the 8th season if after a tremendous main body you will have a poor conclusion. So this is the part where you have to do your best!

What’s next?

Another important step before turning in your paper is to edit it, proofread it, and double-check it for correspondence to the formatting requirements and the original instructions of your teacher.

Have a break: you won’t be able to do a thorough proofread of your piece of writing 10 minutes after you’ve finished it. It would be great if you have at least one day before the deadline to put your paper aside and come back to it with fresh eyes. Another way to make sure everything is top-notch in your assignment is to ask a friend, a relative, or a professional writer to have a look at it.

After multiple hours of writing, you just can’t see your own mistakes anymore, here’s where hiring an assignment helper becomes an option. This is why there are so many stupid grammatical typos in students’ papers. “Where” instead of “were,” “its” instead of “it’s,” “there” instead of “they’re,” and many other mistakes you can’t believe one can make, happen because students neglect to proofread their writing. Try to eliminate them. Otherwise, you won’t get a good grade regardless of the hours spent in the library, or the most prominent ideas and the most trustworthy and original sources of information you’ve used.

But sometimes you simply don’t have enough time to complete yet another assignment. It doesn’t mean that to turn in at least something, you have to sacrifice other disciplines, your health, sleep, or other responsibilities you might have. Sometimes, delegating your papers is a better choice. Pick a trustworthy academic writing service that can complete your homework according to your instructions and delivers it on time, and ask for help.

Academic assistance is a common business nowadays and you are not alone in your struggle with studies. Just make sure that the writer you’re going to hire is able to cover your topic and provides you with some guarantees. We strongly recommend you to read the paper you get from a writing service thoroughly before you turn it in. It will be great to check it with some plagiarism-detection software as well, just to stay on the safe side 😉

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