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Practical Tips on How to Write a Bibliography for Assignment in Less Than an Hour

Have you completed a stunning paper full of great thoughts? Splendid! Apparently, this time you are determined to amaze your teacher with your ideas and profound competence. However, writing excellent text is only half the work. If you want to complete your assignment properly and win an “A” for it you should know how to write a bibliography for assignment. This will show that you have used credible sources for completing research and your work deserves not only an encouraging smile but a top grade as well.


How to do a bibliography for an assignment How can you ensure the source is credible and if you can include it in a bibliography

In this text, we are going to give you some useful recommendations which will help you deal with this task easily. Also, we will advise you on which paper format to choose for your bibliography.

How to do a bibliography for an assignment: common rules for students

When you have to study some question or write a paper, you will have to use a famous book or an interesting article to cope with this task. A sensible citation and a couple of objective stats will make your text credible. As a result, the whole study will look profound. Yet, you should pay just a bit of effort to complete it in the right way. For example, you need a nursing paper? You may look at a nursing essay writing service.

By definition, a bibliography is a detailed list that includes all the books, articles, magazines, and online sources you have used to prepare your assignment. Recommendations suggested below will help you present it according to the rules.

Make a list of all the literature you use. This will help you keep track of the sources and not to forget any of them.

Mention at least three sources in your list. Even if you write a short essay, try to give reference to more than one author.

Mention such information for printed sources:

  • The full name of the author/authors
  • The full title of the source
  • Date of publication
  • The place of publication
  • The name of the publisher
  • The volume number of a magazine or printed encyclopedia
  • The page number(s) of the source material

Record such data about websites:

  • Author and editor names (if available)
  • Title of the page
  • The name of the company or organization who posted the webpage
  • The web address for the page (URL)
  • The last date you have looked at the page

If the bibliographic information is hard to find, have a look for it in:

  • The title page or a book, dictionary, or encyclopedia
  • The heading of an article
  • The front, second, or editorial page of the article
  • The contents page of a journal or a magazine
  • The “Contact” or “About” page of a website

Type all sources in one list

Present them in alphabetical order, state the author’s name last

Choose an APA or MLA paper’s style for this task

How can you ensure the source is credible and if you can include it in a bibliography

It is important to base your research on decent literature. However, which sources are worth using? Refer unbiased and objective information. By answering these questions, you will understand if a book, an article, or a website is reliable:

  1. Is the source famous?
  2. How long is it?
  3. Does it contain documented research or a reference list?
  4. Who are the readers?
  5. What is the main idea of the source?
  6. Are the authors well-known?
  7. Does the source contain any kind of supporting documentation?
  8. Is the information in the source up-to-date?

Use this checklist to make sure you have found solid material for your research.


We hope that upon using this short guide, you will be able to analyze your sources and create a list of them. Though, if you are short on time or want to double-check the literature you have cited, feel free to use qualified help with your annotated bibliography or any other kind of paper from our academic service. Place an order on our website and our experts will show you how to write a bibliography in MLA format for an assignment you need. We will complete a list of trustworthy sources within a few hours.

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