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How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper

What is an abstract?

It is a summary of a longer work such as a research paper or dissertation. It concisely reports the outcomes and aims of the paper so that the audiences clearly understand what is contained or to expect as they read through. It is usually written after completion of the rest parts of the research paper to ensure it accurately represents the information contained in the document. An abstract is written for a specific purpose and audience. Our research paper helper can help you with that.

research paper abstract

Purpose of an abstract

Research documents are bulk with hundreds of pages. Thus, the provision of a summary of what the work is all about ease the process of scrutinizing them. The audiences can avoid frustration from reading documents that do not meet your needs as a researcher. A well-written abstract gives enough information to decide whether to invest your time in reading the full research paper.

Components of a Good Abstract

Abstract concisely describe your full research paper document in less than 300 words. Since it is describing an already completed task, an abstract is written in the past tense in an active voice. Some of the critical components to be included in an abstract are problem statement, research objectives; methodology applied results and findings, and conclusion.

Research aims

Start by defining the purpose of your research, clearly stating its relevance or importance and why you chose to investigate a particular topic (problem statement). It shows the research question that the author aimed to answer. Afterward, state the objective statement that guides what you ought to do. The objectives should use verbs such as investigate, analyze, or evaluate.


The part should give a vivid description of what you did to answer your research question or test your hypothesis. Indicate the research methods employed to collect information and the tool used for analysis. Besides, indicate the exact number of participants and use past simple tense because you are referring to already completed actions; for instance, focused group discussion was conducted with 200 participants. The aim is to give the audience or the reader of the research paper an overview clue of the approach and procedures utilized in the study. Therefore, do not evaluate the obstacles or validity of the methods here, because the goal in the abstract is not to account for the strength or weakness of the methodology.

Results presentation

Summarize the main research results and findings in one or two sentences. Present or past tense can be adopted in writing these statements; for example, the study shows or showed a strong correlation between item-A and item-B. It is not possible to include all the findings in the abstract, especially for long and complex studies. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the essential outcome that will help the audiences understand the conclusion. Also, the highlighted results should allure the reader’s attention to find out more about the findings.


State the concluding statement of the research paper basing on the results and findings presented. The audience or reader should have a clear picture of the critical point that the research has proved or argued as they finish. It is usually written in the past simple tense; for example, we conclude that item-A increases or decreases item-B. It is also important to briefly mention the important limitations that the study experienced. It will assist the readers in assessing the credibility of the research.


It is important to note that different writing or formatting styles, such as APA or MLA, have specific requirements. For publication papers, it is necessary to include keywords at the end of the abstract. The keywords should reference the critical points of the study. They are aimed at assisting potential readers in finding your paper during their literature search.

It is a real challenge to condense a whole research paper into a couple of hundred words. However, the abstract is the first thing that the reader will see, and it is essential to get it right and on point. Therefore, take extra time to counter check it before submission and, if necessary, have someone to look at it; that way, you will avoid any doubt or assumption. Other strategies that can help is to read other peoples’ research paper abstracts to learn more, write a short, clear, and concise summary where every sentence communicates. The impact an abstract creates on its readers is what matters. Lastly, focus on your research while observing the set style of requirements and understand that not all abstracts contain the same elements.

How to Start a Research Paper to Hook the Audience

Writing a research paper is one of the most vital aspects of our learning life. The purpose of the research is to convert the recovered data into meaningful information. First of all, knowing how to start writing a research paper is one of the best things. Here, we have all the steps and the tips that you need to start your research paper.

how to start a research paper

Find your thesis

You can get caught up in all aspects of writing your research paper, but you only need to worry about three things: finding your argument, presenting your case, and organizing your supporting evidence.

But before that, you need a thesis, but where will you get it from?

Also: maybe it’s time to accept the fact that it’s just easier buying research paper?


The internet offers many miracles today, and this age is designed to help us with many of our common problems. It also provides services such as Internet-based thesis writing services designed to help you speed up the writing of your thesis statement by collaborating with other online writers. It is a specific place to locate thesis paper samples between these service places, as it helps to write them and teach them how to write them in various ways.

Educational guides

Other sources of where to find samples of a research thesis are those in educational guides that help teach how to write a suitable thesis, often found in libraries and other places that meet the needs of stationery. These books are detailed educational materials that help teach you what to do and what to do when writing a thesis, which can be an important factor in influencing your score by adding or reducing points based on the content and method used to write the letter. The bookstore is generally the most common place where you can find sample letter documents in review brochures.

Read already written research papers

The ingenious way to find a sample of thesis papers is to try other theses to find a guide on how to plan and write your research paper. It is a useful technique that can help you and help you follow the flow and the way theses are written.

Putting your search together.

The next thing is to submit your supporting evidence. During your research, you will likely find a host of exciting sources and add new dimensions to your work, but it has little to do with your thesis. You will also find resources that are more relevant to your topic but less appealing. Is it okay to add cool stuff to your work?

The answer is that it is fine, but you must mainly comply with related content; It should be the majority of your work. If you want to ask some of the more controversial things, feel free to ask, sometimes they can add to your research paper. But remember, direct writing, accurate and relevant photography always works well, while shadow writing doesn’t work well for some time.

Also, remember that your supporting vertebrae are not alone but work together. You must think about how consistent communication between them and how they evolve from your thesis.

Make sure that the paper will not be confusing. When you start writing your plan, you won’t have any research, so write what you want to include. When you’re done searching and finding suitable reference materials, plan how to use it on your paper with your schematic.

Shortlist of the chosen sources

After making a shortlist of specific sources, create a thesis statement. The thesis statement can be a sentence or a group of approximately three or four sentences that describe the points that will be included in your research work.

Collect resources

Then stick your mind together to collect resources. Paper publications remain the primary sources as the first set of resource materials for research. The bibliographies in these primary resources will do a great deal of your research work.

Use the list of first references to make a list of works. Depending on the number of pages, the list may vary. For a research paper that contains less than twenty-five pages, it can be a written or printed list as needed. A few research papers will have more pages where you should consider building your list on a spreadsheet or word processor table.

Explore your planned research paper

After collecting the sources, it is best to do a first read, which is a quick read of the sketch, to get a general idea of ​​the topic. Your first reading should begin before collecting all the sources.

Create a rough draft template for your research paper

Now, re-read the sources you have chosen in detail to find things that can be cited and that support or relate to your thesis statement. Then create your document infrastructure with your word processor. Then write your quotes, each with a printed comment about yourself on how to talk about your thesis statement.

Taking notes

There is the science of taking notes for a research paper to keep your ideas and resources well organized, making it easy to refer to them as you write your work. The following list includes ten proven ways.

Notes taking tips for your research paper

  1. Assign a full 3 x 5 note card for each idea or theme. Do not try to put two fonts on one card. Large padded cards may be best.
  2. Collect more resources than you need. Generally, it is recommended to obtain up to three times the amount of resources recommended by your teacher.
  3. Record all the necessary information, such as title, author, publisher’s name, and publication date, since you can collect bibliography as you go along.
  4. Alphabetical menus.
  5. Re-read your notes.
  6. Organize note cards so that the information is similar as a whole.
  7. Keep your research work organized from the start by marking your note cards by topic. The color code for your card is at the top.
  8. After reading the information, write your understanding of the data in your own words. Writing any useful note or quote in the research paper in your own words dramatically reduces the chances of accidental plagiarism.
  9. When writing your notes, be as short as possible and remember to paraphrase as much as possible to reduce the number of citations.
  10. For multiple notes, write the page numbers containing the information in the article or part of the data you want to mention in the lower right corner of the notecard while placing the name of the last author in the upper right corner.


To ensure you don’t lose points in following proper guidelines, you can use the coordination software to ensure your accuracy. Additionally, using the formatting program can save time during the editing process so you can focus your attention on the most important and quality content of your research paper.

How to Write an Assignment to Get an A (and Teacher’s Smile)

There is a simple answer to the “how to write an assignment” question and it is “word after word.” We are not trying to be funny. It is really that simple: you just have to start. Making this first step is a big issue for students who are not used to putting their ideas into words. If you’ve already arranged everything on your table, washed dishes, eaten (twice), polished your nails, fed your cat, had a workout and some other activities procrastinators usually do to postpone homework, it’s time to get down to business!

  • First of all, read the requirements for your assignment one more time and make sure everything is 100% clear to you.
  • Analyze your topic and figure out what will be your main idea and the objective of your writing.
  • Draft an outline and write down a plan for your paper.
  • Find a source of information you will use to cover your topic. How many sources does there have to be in your bibliography list according to your instructions? Don’t forget to give credits to authors whose ideas have inspired you and especially to the numbers and facts you’ve mentioned to support your point.

When you’ve written down the structure of your future masterpiece, it’s time to cover each section one by one.


How to write an introduction for an assignment and why is it important “How to do assignment” or what to write in the main body How to write a conclusion for assignment your readers will love

How to write an introduction for an assignment and why is it important

An introduction is one of three major parts of the basic structure of any assignment, be it a scientific research paper or a creative essay. If you have doubts about how to start writing an assignment your teacher has given you, it is the introduction you should start from.

In this section, you can answer the main questions of your paper: what is its objective, what is your main idea, how are you going to prove your argument, and whether something should be done with the problem covered in your paper. As a rule, an introduction is only a small part of your essay and should consist of one paragraph. In this paragraph, there should be four to six sentences, after reading which it should become clear to your teacher what your paper is all about:

  1. Describe a problem of your topic in one clear sentence.
  2. Explain why you think this theme is important for you/modern society/science.
  3. Tell what sources of information and research methods you’re going to use in your paper.
  4. Write down what results you expect to get.

“How to do assignment” or what to write in the main body

Even if you’re going to turn in a creative essay, there has to be a logical flow in your piece of writing. In this part, however, we are going to talk more on how to do an assignment for university, as the higher your academic level, the more expectations your teacher has for your paper. It is easy to forget about some of them and each detail matters if you want to get an A for your writing.

Less is more

Don’t try to put too many ideas into one piece of writing, as this will take you more time—an asset you as a student should value the most. Educational institutions nowadays assign way too much homework to students and it is simply impossible to do it all without affecting the depth of your research and you eventually need assignment help.

Moreover, when your teacher assigns you a paper, as a rule, there are instructions on the number of words or pages your paper should consist of. Don’t overwrite as it can decrease your grade. When you’ve defined the main idea of your paper, try to give not more than three arguments to support it. This will decrease the time you need for research and will help you to squeeze into the number of pages you have to turn in.

There is a simple rule that will help you to maintain the logical flow of your paper and will make your piece of writing easier to read: one point, one paragraph.

Another rule that will lift your grade dramatically is to give reference to credible sources only. Scientific journals and TED talks will do, while Wikipedia and Medium will not.

Don’t forget about formatting

When we talk about the proper citation of sources, we should mention how important it is to stick to the writing format accepted in your college. Google “how to write the assignment in APA style” or in another writing style and you’ll find coherent manuals on it with all the details. There are plenty of good instructions on the web. To stay on the safe side, you can consult your teacher. In most colleges’ and universities’ libraries, there are manuals on different formatting styles along with samples written by teachers or students. Check them out.

Numbers, lists, and schedules

Everything that breaks your paper into logical blocks improves the readability of your writing. Have mercy on your teacher, make a list! Or two. Or three. Give information in tables to make it clearer and separate logical blocks with coherent headers.

How to write a conclusion for assignment your readers will love

This is the shortest part of your paper and it should be clear and emotionally charged. Specify what you’ve learned while writing on your topic. Check out if your initial expectations coincide with the results you’ve got. Think of the ways your research can be used in the future. If you were writing on some social problem, think of the ways it can be eliminated.

Your readers will be disappointed as “Game of Thrones” fans with the 8th season if after a tremendous main body you will have a poor conclusion. So this is the part where you have to do your best!

What’s next?

Another important step before turning in your paper is to edit it, proofread it, and double-check it for correspondence to the formatting requirements and the original instructions of your teacher.

Have a break: you won’t be able to do a thorough proofread of your piece of writing 10 minutes after you’ve finished it. It would be great if you have at least one day before the deadline to put your paper aside and come back to it with fresh eyes. Another way to make sure everything is top-notch in your assignment is to ask a friend, a relative, or a professional writer to have a look at it.

After multiple hours of writing, you just can’t see your own mistakes anymore, here’s where hiring an assignment helper becomes an option. This is why there are so many stupid grammatical typos in students’ papers. “Where” instead of “were,” “its” instead of “it’s,” “there” instead of “they’re,” and many other mistakes you can’t believe one can make, happen because students neglect to proofread their writing. Try to eliminate them. Otherwise, you won’t get a good grade regardless of the hours spent in the library, or the most prominent ideas and the most trustworthy and original sources of information you’ve used.

But sometimes you simply don’t have enough time to complete yet another assignment. It doesn’t mean that to turn in at least something, you have to sacrifice other disciplines, your health, sleep, or other responsibilities you might have. Sometimes, delegating your papers is a better choice. Pick a trustworthy academic writing service that can complete your homework according to your instructions and delivers it on time, and ask for help.

Academic assistance is a common business nowadays and you are not alone in your struggle with studies. Just make sure that the writer you’re going to hire is able to cover your topic and provides you with some guarantees. We strongly recommend you to read the paper you get from a writing service thoroughly before you turn it in. It will be great to check it with some plagiarism-detection software as well, just to stay on the safe side 😉

How to Write a Financial Analysis Paper

It takes a lot of time, studying, and calculation skills to know how to write a financial analysis paper perfectly. Finance is a narrow discipline that connects economics and mathematics, making applied business the discipline you need to master if you want to work in finance. However, you need to start somewhere, so learning about different types of financial papers and what to focus on in them is the first step on your way to graduate successfully.


How to write a financial statement analysis paper How to write an executive summary paper How to write an industry analysis paper How to write a paper on financial ratios

One of the most difficult stages is learning how to write a financial analysis research paper. If you master this skill, you will be able to complete any other type of assignment because this one includes all the different activities you need to do and present in a single work. Furthermore, we will give you some tips on what to focus on in every element of your finance homework to avoid major revisions and score high on grades.

How to write a financial statement analysis paper

Collecting numerical data and completing financial statements is a necessary part of the work on your paper in accounting. To analyze data and work with it, you need to gather it first, and this is when you need to make sure you have or can compose the financial statement of a company. A financial statement includes a cash flow statement, an income statement, a balance sheet, and an equity statement. Collecting them is only the beginning, as further on, you should take the information you need from them.

  • A cash flow statement demonstrates the sources the company obtains its money from and the ways it spends it.
  • An income statement is a summary of the company’s revenues, the money it spends, and profitability statistics.
  • A balance sheet is a document with information on the company’s asset allocations, shareholders, and liabilities.
  • An equity statement, in turn, is the current data on the dynamics in the equity each stakeholder has in the company.

Depending on your particular assignment, you may not need all of them in your financial statement, but it is important you know where to look for every aspect of it. Anyway, CopyCrafter can clarify it if it looks too difficult for you, and even help with finance homework if needed, by the means of our expert paper writing service.

How to write an executive summary paper

An executive summary is something like an introduction to your financial analysis paper, in which you introduce the company, the problem you are working on, the methods you use to conduct the analysis, and the conclusion you eventually arrive at. Thus, it may serve as a substitution for reading the whole paper for people who do not want to check figures. For that reason, you need to work a lot on your executive summary, as it must reflect the quality of your work and it must represent your knowledge, understanding, and skills.

Make sure your executive summary is concise and easy to read yet contains only essential and relevant information. To create a comprehensive executive summary, you should include the company’s mission, history, performance, and profit. Then, finish it off with the conclusion your analysis arrives at, and invite the reader to read the whole thing.

How to write an industry analysis paper

Whether it is a small business or a huge corporation, the company you are writing about exists and functions in a certain ecology, which is its connection to the outside world—namely the market and the industry in this case. So, this part of the paper draws on the environment in which the company operates. The main aim of the industry analysis is to determine whether the company is a powerful competitor in this field and whether investing in this company will eventually bring any profit.

For that reason, you will need to include the information on the behavior of the company in its industry, which includes the report of the company’s financial health, the comparison of it with companies with the same specifications, its share of the target market, and the possible development or decay of the company. It is important to remember that industry analysis is not about promoting investment in the company but drawing a realistic picture of the pros and cons of digits. It must give the possible investor information to use while making a weighted decision.

How to write a paper on financial ratios

Another thing you should include in your financial analysis paper is the part in which you dwell on the different financial ratios of the company you have chosen. The ratios must provide information on the company’s debt load, liquidity, and efficiency. To measure these, you need to spend some time observing the last activity of the company in the market. Here is what you should pay attention to:

  1. To figure out the debt load ratio, you need to compare the total debt of the company to the total of its equity.
  2. To figure out the liquidity ratio, compare the company’s current ratio to its current liability.
  3. The return ratio is the relation between the profits that the company makes compared to the equity of its shareholders.
  4. To calculate the ratio of price to earnings, you need to divide the actual market price per share by the earnings after taxation per share.

Every ratio will give you an idea of the profitability of the company, its potential, and the shareholder opportunities, although it needs some calculations.

Types of financial analysis

There are several pathways you may choose in your financial analysis paper. Usually, the choice will depend on the peculiarities of your assignment. So, here are all of them for you to choose the optimal one. They differ in the initial point of the analysis and the direction you can take in it. Consequently, your conclusion will also depend on the analysis direction of your choice.

  • The horizontal analysis aims to compare consecutive activity reports of a company throughout a certain period of time. It is horizontal because the reports are supposed to be linear. So, if you want to study the dynamics of a company, choose this type.
  • Vertical analysis is used mostly for filling out a balance sheet. It is an analysis of expenses and income that is measured by percentage in the chain and stock sales.
  • In a short-term analysis, you need to review the working capital in detail, which includes the turnover rate calculation, inventory, and payable accounts of a company. This analysis helps to figure out whether there is any difference in the long-term average turnover rate, which may be alarming for business.
  • Multi-company comparison is focused on the ratio component of businesses. You need to calculate the ratios mentioned before in different companies and base your comparison on the digits you get.
  • To conduct an industry comparison, you need to work with ratios as well. However, the difference between it and multi-company comparison is that here you need to focus on the average results in the whole industry compared to the performance by these criteria of a certain company.

Evidently, all these tips may seem too abstract in theory. However, when you know what company you are going to analyze, everything will fall in place. Depending on the aim of your analysis, take the starting point based on the analysis type, and make sure to include all the components which should be there. Finally, present it in a brief, comprehensive, and intelligible executive summary.

How to Write an Economics Paper

Economics is a discipline that students of different majors take, as a basic understanding of how it works is necessary for an educated person. Therefore, it is important to know how to write an economics paper.

This discipline has its peculiarities, as being related to mathematics and calculations, it stays in the realm of humanitarian discipline aimed at conceptualizing global processes in the dynamics of wealth. Thus, in your work, you will need to be a little of a historian, philosopher, mathematician, and sociologist at the same time. Whether it is an essay on a narrow topic or complex research, you will need to take the following steps to complete an excellent paper in economics. By the way, you can actually just ask for help with economics homework from our professional writers.

How to write an abstract for an economics paper

Every comprehensive academic work should have an abstract or if it is an essay, an introduction, which is a self-explanatory word for what you should write in it. Nonetheless, writing an abstract or an introduction is a 101 on how to write an economics research paper. An abstract is the very first section of your work, in which you have to present the topic. However, just naming the topic is not enough. It must be presented in the context you view it and in relation to the current reality, which will make your work relevant and up-to-date. At the end of the abstract or the introduction, there must be a thesis statement—the central idea of your work that you are to prove throughout the whole paper.

It is controversial whether to write the abstract before the whole work or at the very end because you do not know for sure what the research will prove. In any case, the abstract must summarize your work for those who do not want to read all of it. Thus, make sure it includes a definition of the topic, the reason why it is relevant, the idea you want to prove, and the research methodology you are to use in it.

Why you need an outline

An outline is a kind of work that will not be included in your final submission but completing it is an activity that will simplify the whole thing for you. If you take your time and work on an outline, you will have a definite path in your research, reasoning, and writing. It will bring value to the quality of your paper, helping you to avoid gibberish and inconsistency in the macrostructure of your paper. If you are not required to write an elaborate and detailed outline, you can simply create one for yourself.

Write the main idea of the introduction (thesis statement) and the topic sentences of each body paragraph with the sources that you will use in them, and the conclusion you aim to arrive at. When you have an outline, you can see whether anything is missing or excessive, as well as if each argument has enough support so you do not have to conduct additional research. When your outline is done, you can start writing the paper itself, and it will be much easier, as you already have a plan.

Literature review

As economics is a theoretical discipline, you need to include not only mathematical calculations but also the materials you base your ideas on. All of them must be in your literature review, which may be the most time-consuming part of the work. In the literature review, you collect relevant information on your topic and opinions of reputable figures. Additionally, you will need to include the initial economic theory you choose to base your research on. Nonetheless, make sure the literature on your topic is extensive, and there is still the relevance of your research as a contribution to what is already known.

Your literature review must not only refer to others’ works but signify the points of their scope that apply in your assignment. Additionally, make sure you choose sources that enlighten your topic from different facets, which will help you avoid biases.

Doing the research

This is the part where you demonstrate the calculations and develop your argument. However, depending on the particular topic you study, it may be part of no particular aim to describe something in digits. However, in this part, you have to mention every step you take in your research. Another important aspect of this section is that you do not need to interpret the results of what you have found. You only need to present the factual data you are using and will eventually obtain.

Be as detailed and unambiguous in this section as possible. If you need to find information, omit judgment or evaluation and focus on analysis, as you have the subsequent sections for them. This part is not supposed to have a direct connection with the thesis statement; however, it is a crucial step towards the connections you will establish further. Thus, the demonstration of your research must be as precise and objective as possible.

Discussing the findings

This is the part where you translate the data from the research part into human language. Take all the findings you have from the research section, give them an evaluation, and explain what they mean from the perspective of the purpose of your study. You may point out whether there is any statistical regularity in the findings of the research or if the results have any differences from the initial expectations of the research.

In the discussion section, you also need to explain what every step of the calculation part was taken for and how it translates to the context of the problem in your topic. Nonetheless, you also have to maintain objectivity and explain every finding.


This is the final part of your research paper. The main purpose of the conclusion is to say whether you were right in the introduction and why. Additionally, it is a simplified version of the interpretation and analysis of the results that answers your initial question from the research proposal. Another important part of the introduction is the summary of the work you did and how the theoretical part helped you with it. If you write it in an essay form, recall all the key arguments and explain whether they work.

Finally, a crucial part of the conclusion that students happen to forget is the speculation on further research. It is not probable that your assigned work covered the topic completely, but it is a study that contributes to its understanding. Thus, note the area of the topic that remains unstudied or understudied to complete your argument.

Format and bibliography

All the information in your research paper must be organized and systematized in accordance with a certain academic style. Depending on the requirements of your professor or institution, it can be the Chicago, Harvard, APA, or MLA format. You need to format your title page, page numbers, and bibliography accordingly. Do not forget that the in-text citation style and charts are also formatted differently in various styles. Additionally, make sure that all the sources you used are listed in alphabetical order.

This part of the assignment has little to do with the actual research. However, it matters for your submission, so you need to take some time and make sure that everything is in the right place.

Writing a complex paper that combines conceptual theory and applied mathematics is a natural part of the education of any undergraduate economist. Depending on the importance of the discipline in your major, the share of calculating in the course can be different. Nonetheless, if you break the assignment down into doable checkpoints, it will not be as challenging as it might look.

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